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Our Programs

We have designed a list of programs that will help mothers and birth givers navigate their loss. Peruse and take advantage of our free educational resources and tools. 

Image by Curology

Perinatal Loss Comfort Boxes

The perinatal loss comfort boxes will be distributed  to local OB/GYN offices for mothers and birth givers who have experienced perinatal loss.  The comfort boxes will provide peace, healing, and souvenirs for the bereaved mother and birth giver to help carry her through grief and loss.

Image by Alexander Grey

Financial Assistance

In 2024, we would like to bless 10 families with financial assistance. Experiencing pregnancy and infant loss can take a physical, emotional, and financial toll on mothers and families. Our financial assistance program would help cover burial, funeral, and cremation expenses as needed. 

Image by Austin Distel

Access to Vital Resources & Tools 

Our comfort boxes included educational resources and tools to help mothers and birth givers navigate their loss. During the first year following a bereavement, we correspond by letter, phone, and community events with our grieving mothers and birth givers. Bereaved mothers and birth givers will have access to educational resources and tools for themselves, fathers, grandparents, and family and friends.

Image by Olivia Anne Snyder

Bereavement Doula Services

We offer bereavement doula services to mothers and families after loss. 

Image by Hannah Busing

Grief Support Groups 

 Bereaved mothers and birth givers will have the opportunity to get support and receive valuable information from the support groups, which will assist them in navigating the anguish brought on by their loss. We host quarterly closed support groups. Sign up today! 

Image by Luca Upper

Community Events

Every year, we will host various community events to break the silence surrounding pregnancy and infant loss and honor all babies gone too soon. Our current events include: 

New - Shattering the Silence: Panel Discussion on Perinatal Loss (April 2023)

New - Mother's Day Garden Celebration (May 2023)

Balloon Release (October 2023)

Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway (November 2023) 

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